15001 Bevel self-intersection may have occurred. Continue with Extrude?
15002 Surfaces found with the same shade and fill color. Continue with Shading?
15003 Patterns are not supported. Continue reading?
15004 Placed images are not supported. Continue reading?
15005 The selected objects were not transformed. Continue with Sequence?
15006 Text is not supported. Continue reading?
15007 Path is self-intersecting. Unpredictable geometry may result. Continue?
15008 Masks may not work with shaded rendering. Continue reading?
15009 Fill styles not supported. Continue reading?
15101 You are required to enter your name.
15102 An invalid serial number has been entered.
15104 This application requires a 486 or better processor.
15105 The entered string was too long.
15106 Must enter serial number.
15107 There are too many users with this serial number.
15108 The compound path being revolved crosses the revolve guide.
15109 This application requires Windows.
15110 Can't validate registration for this application.
15111 Can't update application resource.
15112 Not enough available memory to run this application.
15113 The start frame number plus number of frames is greater than 10000.
15114 Color values are between 0 and 100 percent.
15115 Ambient values are between 0 and 100 percent.
15116 Matte values are between 0 and 100 percent.
15117 Gloss values are between 0 and 100 percent.
15118 Maximum number of blends is 256.
15119 Revolve angle must be between -360 and 360 degrees.
15120 Extrusion depth must be greater than 0.
15121 Light intensity values are between 0 and 100 percent.
15122 Extrusion depth percentages are between 0 and 1000 percent.
15123 Single cube face selected, artwork on multiple faces not shown.
15124 Multiple cube faces selected, artwork on single faces not shown.
15125 Revolve angle must be greater than 1 or less than -1.
15126 Some objects may not be visible because they are behind you.
15127 Must have at least one blend.
15128 The start frame should be between 0 and 9999.
15129 The number of frames should be between 1 and 9999.
15130 Invalid numeric entry.
15131 Invalid file format.
15132 The outline for the selected font is unavailable. Please choose another font.
15133 No outline fonts are installed. Text capabilities are disabled.
15134 Invalid password specified.
15135 Must specify password.
15136 The number of undo levels must be between 1 and 1000.
15137 The update timeout must be between 1 and 60.
15138 The resolution must be between 1 and 30000.
15139 The line screen must be between 1 and 30000.
15140 That name is already taken. Please use another name.
15141 The number of draft blends must be between 0 and 256.
15142 You did not specify a valid revolve path.
15143 You did not specify a valid base path for extrusion.
15144 You did not specify a valid bevel path
15145 That name is already taken. Please use another name.
15146 A bevel may only be a single path.
15147 The filename prefix is required.
15148 The document was saved with a different page setup. Please choose Page Setup from the File menu.
15149 The name is required.
15150 Position the selected object(s) in the final orientation desired using the move, scale, and rotate tools. Choose the 'End Sequence...' menu item when done.
15151 This application requires 32-bit Addressing.
15152 Please choose at least two straight lines.
15153 Please choose at least two flat surfaces.
15154 Please choose one straight line per object.
15155 Please choose one flat surface per object.
15156 The object will be too small after scaling. Please change the scale factor.
15157 Please import the Adobe Illustrator file for Bevel.
15158 Invalid binary file format.
15159 The object will be out of bound after scaling. Please change the scale factor.
15160 Unable to render at this resolution. Try reducing resolution or size.
15161 Strokes will be displayed in the PostScript rendering mode
15162 Shade color will be displayed in the PostScript rendering mode
15163 Plastic reflectance will be displayed in the PostScript and Raster rendering modes
15164 The clipboard image resolution must be between 1 and 450.
15165 The image resolution must be between 1 and 1200.
15166 Strokes will be converted to outline paths.
15167 Patterns will be converted to paths.
15168 Patterns can not be saved in Dimensions and will be converted to paths when saved.
15169 Gradient will be rasterized to an image.
15170 Image will be mapped on the side caps.
15171 Patterns will be mapped on the side caps.
15172 Dash lines will be converted to solid lines for strokes.
15173 Invalid setting, please retry.
15180 Dimensions doesn't support compressed BMP files.
15181 Sorry! You can not overwrite this file.
15201 The width must be between %s and %s %s.
15202 The height must be between %s and %s %s.
15203 The depth must be between %s and %s %s.
15204 The radius must be between %s and %s %s.
15205 The distance must be between %s and %s %s.
15206 The dimension must be between %s and %s %s.
15207 The scale must be between %s and %s percent.
15208 The angle must be between %s and %s degrees.
15209 The extrusion depth must be between %s and %s %s.
15210 The stroke weight must be between %s and %s %s.
15211 The font size must be between %s and %s points.
15212 The kerning value must be between %s and %s.
15213 The value must be between %.2f and %.2f.
15301 Can't open file
15302 Can't create file
15303 Can't create resource
15304 Can't add resource
15305 Not enough free space to save file.
15306 Can't read this file.
15307 Cannot map artwork onto this primitive
15308 Can map artwork onto only one primitive at a time. Use the direct select tool to choose a single face.
15309 Not enough memory to complete requested operation.
15310 Can't create an object with no width, height, or depth.
15311 Beveling with closed paths is not supported.
15312 Not enough memory to complete requested operation.
15313 Invalid Revolve Path.\nCan't create object with no dimension.
15314 File already open in another Dimensions window.
15315 Not enough memory to complete requested operation.
15316 Bevels must be simple, non-compound, ungrouped paths.
15317 Could not revert to the previous version of this file because it cannot be found.
15318 Nearly out of memory. Please save your files immediately. You must free memory to continue.
15319 No printer has been specified. Please select a printer.
15320 Can't print the document.
15321 Not enough memory to create a new window. Try closing other windows to free memory.
15322 Unable to perform the requested operation.
25401 Save Dimensions File as...
25402 Export to:
25403 Choose Destination Directory
25404 Export Colors to:
25405 Select Plug-ins Directory
25406 Open
25407 Convert
25408 Place
25409 Select '%s'
25410 Desktop
25411 Adobe Dimensions 1.0
25412 Adobe Dimensions 2.0
25413 Adobe Dimensions 3.0
25414 Adobe Illustrator
25415 Swivel 3D
25416 Unknown
25417 Choose file to open:
25418 Choose file to place:
25419 ...
25420 TEXT
25421 ...
25422 ...
25423 PICT
25424 Bitmap
25425 Import Custom Colors
25426 Import Bevel
25427 Place
25428 ...
25429 Adobe Illustrator EPS
25430 Adobe Illustrator Mac EPS
25431 Adobe Illustrator PC EPS
25501 Use this tool in Edit mode
25502 Drag to move
25601 Selection
25602 Direct Selection
25603 Object Selection
25604 Z translation
25605 Scroll
25606 Zoom in
25607 Zoom out
25608 Cube: drag to size
25609 Sphere: drag to size
25610 Cone: drag to size
25611 Cylinder: drag to size
25612 2D Artwork: drag to size
25613 Page: drag to position
25614 Scale: click for origin
25615 Scale dialog: click for dialog
25616 Drag to scale selection
25617 Trackball: click for origin
25618 Rotate dialog: click for dialog
25619 Drag to rotate selection
25620 Rotate: click for origin
25621 Rotate dialog: click for dialog
25622 Drag to rotate selection
25623 Text
25624 Pen
25625 Add Anchor Point
25626 Delete Anchor Point
25627 Scissors
25628 Convert Direction Point
25629 Oval: drag to size
25630 Rectangle: drag to size
25631 Round Rectangle: drag to size
25632 Constrain
25633 Copy
25634 Constrain and Copy
25635 H axis rotation: drag to rotate
25636 Drag to rotate Selection
25637 V axis rotation: drag to rotate
25638 Drag to rotate Selection
25639 Major axis rotation: drag to rotate
25640 Drag to rotate Selection
25701 Show &Toolbox
25702 Hide &Toolbox
25703 Show &Info
25704 Hide &Info
25705 Ge&nerate Sequence...
25706 E&nd Sequence...
25707 Licensed to:
25708 an unknown user
25709 An Unknown User
25710 Show &Lighting
25711 Hide &Lighting
25712 Show &Surface Properties
25713 Hide &Surface Properties
25714 &Artwork Mapping...
25715 Hide &Artwork Mapping
25716 &Scale...
25717 Hide &Scale
25718 R&otate...
25719 Hide R&otate
25720 &Move...
25721 Hide &Move
25722 Show &Clipboard
25723 Hide &Clipboard
25724 &Reset
25725 &Revolve...
25726 Hide &Revolve
25727 &Extrude...
25728 Hide &Extrude
25729 &Character...
25730 Hide &Character
25731 Edit &Artwork
25732 New &Artwork
25733 Show &Camera
25734 Hide &Camera
25739 ...
25740 ...
25741 Show Object &Browser
25742 Hide Object &Browser
25801 &Undo %s
25802 &Redo %s
25803 Copy
25804 Clear
25805 Cut
25806 Paste
25807 Move
25808 Scale
25809 Rotate
25810 Extrude
25811 Revolve
25812 Cube
25813 Sphere
25814 Cone
25815 Cylinder
25816 Place
25817 Export
25818 Group
25819 UnGroup
25820 Transform Again
25821 Select All
25822 Duplicate
25823 Deselect All
25824 Surface Properties
25825 Artwork Mapping
25826 Lighting
25827 Object Reset
25828 Bring To Front
25829 Send To Back
25830 Pen
25831 Artwork
25832 Join
25833 Average
25834 Make Compound
25835 Release Compound
25836 Scissors
25837 Add Anchor
25838 Delete Anchor
25839 Make Guide
25840 Release Guide
25841 Convert Direction
25842 Create Outlines
25843 Move Direction
25844 Oval
25845 Rectangle
25846 Round Rectangle
25847 Hide
25848 Hide Others
25849 Show
25850 Show All
25851 Page
25852 Custom Color
25853 Name Change
25854 Insert Text
25855 Edit Text
25856 Text Attributes
25857 Text Kerning
25858 Text Outlines
25859 Typing
25860 Lock
25861 Unlock
25862 OrientSurface
25863 CenterSurface
25864 AlignSurface
25865 CenterObject
25866 Make Mask
25867 Release Mask
26101 Send Back
26102 Bring Front
26103 Show Preview
26104 Show Grid
26105 New Profile
26106 Edit Profile
26107 New Base
26108 Edit Base
26109 New Bevel
26110 Edit Bevel
26111 New Color %d
26112 :%s:Mapped Artwork
26113 :%s:Bevel
26114 :%s:Base
26115 :%s:Profile
26116 :%s:2D
26117 The scene must be Rendered before it can be exported.
26118 The scene must be Rendered before it can be printed.
26201 pt
26202 in
26203 cm
26204 mm
26205 points
26206 inches
26207 centimeters
26208 millimeters
26401 Frame:%5d Remaining:%5d
26402 Adding Shading Artwork
26403 Creating Output Artwork
26404 Handling Artwork and Shading
26405 Resolving Visibility
26406 Rendering Artwork
26407 Clipping Mapped Artwork and Shading
26408 Printing Document
26409 Reading Bitmap file
26410 Writing Bitmap file
26411 Reading Adobe Illustrator file
26412 Writing Adobe Illustrator file
26501 Render
26502 Sequence
26503 Print
26504 File I/O
26601 X:%7.2f
26602 Y:%7.2f
26603 Z:%7.2f
26604 W:%7.2f
26605 H:%7.2f
26606 D:%7.2f
26607 X:%6.1f%%
26608 Y:%6.1f%%
26609 Z:%6.1f%%
26610 X:%6.1f░
26611 Y:%6.1f░
26612 Z:%6.1f░
26613 Angle:%6.1f░
26701 AD3.prf
26702 Sequence
26703 defccol.ai
26704 Plug-ins
26705 custom.ai
26706 Help
26707 Ad3.hlp
26801 None
26802 White
26803 Black
26804 Process
26805 Custom
26806 None
26807 Diffuse
26808 Plastic
26809 Fill
26810 Stroke
26811 Shade
26812 Reflectance
26901 Cube
26902 Cone
26903 Cylinder
26904 Sphere
26905 Revolve
26906 Extrude
26907 Art
26908 Group
26909 Compound
26910 Mask
26911 Guide
26912 Text
26913 Path
26914 Bitmap
26915 Other
26916 %s copy
26917 poly
26918 mesh
26919 face
26920 obj
27001 *
27002 8
27003 0
27004 *
27005 10
27006 0
27007 *
27008 8
27009 1
27010 *
27011 10
27012 0
27013 *
27014 8
27015 0
27016 Arial
27017 48
27018 0
27019 HeiseiMin
27020 48
27021 99
27022 Ryumin
27023 48
27024 99
27025 MS Gothic
27026 48
27027 99
27101 Profile
27102 Base
27103 Bevel
27104 Mapped Artwork %00d
27105 Selection of none
27106 Selection of %d objects
27107 Group of %d objects
27108 Map Art
27201 ATM is disabled or not installed.
27202 The font '%s' is unavailable.
27203 Substituting the default (%s) font.
27204 No outline fonts are installed.
27205 Text capabilities are disabled.
27206 Tracking:
27207 Kerning:
27208 Spacing:
27301 Checking Registration
27302 Initializing Menus
27303 Checking Clipboard
27304 Initializing Status Bar
27305 Reading Preferences
27306 Initializing
27307 Initializing Font Database
27308 Loading Font
27309 Initializing Tool Palette
27310 Initializing Documents
27311 Scanning Plug-in Directory
27312 Loading Plug-in
27401 Multiple faces selected. Use the direct select tool or the bracket keys '[' or ']' to select a single face.
27402 Artwork has already been applied to the entire object. Please select the object and clear it before applying artwork to a single face.
27403 Artwork has already been applied to a single face. Please select and clear that face before applying artwork to the entire object.
27404 Not enough memory to map artwork.
27405 No faces selected. Please select the face(s) to map artwork onto.